
Insoft Services is een van de weinige aanbieders van opleidingen in EMEAR tot een volledige reeks van Cisco-certificering en gespecialiseerde technische opleiding aan te bieden.

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Ervaar een blended learning-aanpak die het beste van door een instructeur geleide training en e-learning in eigen tempo combineert om u te helpen zich voor te bereiden op uw certificeringsexamen.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLCs) zijn prepaid trainingsvouchers die rechtstreeks bij Cisco worden ingewisseld en die het plannen van uw succes eenvoudiger maken bij de aankoop van Cisco-producten en -services.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Het Cisco Continuing Education Program biedt alle actieve certificeringshouders flexibele opties om opnieuw te certificeren door een verscheidenheid aan in aanmerking komende trainingsitems te voltooien.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Gecertificeerde medewerkers zijn GEWAARDEERDE activa. Verken de officiële Digital Learning Library van Cisco om uzelf te informeren via opgenomen sessies.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Het Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program richt zich op het aanscherpen van de zakelijke vaardigheden van Cisco Channel Partners en klanten.

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Cisco trainingscatalogus

Het Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program richt zich op het aanscherpen van de zakelijke vaardigheden van Cisco Channel Partners en klanten.

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Het Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -programma is een training- en certificeringsprogramma op acht niveaus om ingenieurs van hun netwerkbeveiliging te leren voor Fortinet FW-vaardigheden en -ervaring.

Technische trainingen


Insoft is erkend als Fortinet Authorized Training Center op geselecteerde locaties in EMEA.

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Fortinet trainingscatalogus

Bekijk de volledige Fortinet trainingscatalogus. Het programma omvat een breed scala aan cursussen in eigen tempo en onder leiding van een instructeur.

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ATC Status

Bekijk onze ATC-status in geselecteerde landen in Europa.

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Fortinet Professionele Services

Wereldwijd erkend team van gecertificeerde experts helpt u een soepelere overgang te maken met onze vooraf gedefinieerde consultancy-, installatie- en migratiepakketten voor een breed scala aan Fortinet-producten.

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Insoft Services biedt Microsoft-trainingen in EMEAR. We bieden technische trainingen en certificeringscursussen van Microsoft aan die worden geleid door instructeurs van wereldklasse.

Technische cursussen


Find all the Extreme Networks online and instructor led class room based calendar here.

Technische cursussen


We provide comprehensive curriculum of technical competency skills on the certification accomplishment.

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Extreme trainingscatalogus

Leer uitzonderlijke kennis en vaardigheden van Extreme Networks

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ATP accreditatie

Als geautoriseerde trainingspartner (ATP) zorgt Insoft Services ervoor dat u de hoogste onderwijsnormen krijgt die beschikbaar zijn.

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Services Oplossingen

Wij bieden innovatieve en geavanceerde ondersteuning bij het ontwerpen, implementeren en optimaliseren van IT-oplossingen.Ons klantenbestand omvat enkele van de grootste Telco's ter wereld.


Wereldwijd erkend team van gecertificeerde experts helpt u een soepelere overgang te maken met onze vooraf gedefinieerde consultancy-, installatie- en migratiepakketten voor een breed scala aan Fortinet-producten.

Over ons

Insoft biedt geautoriseerde trainings- en consultancydiensten voor geselecteerde IP-leveranciers. Ontdek hoe we een revolutie teweegbrengen in de industrie.

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  • +31 71 799 6230
  • Data Breaches Around the World and How to Prevent Them

    5th October, 2022

    In 2018, massive data breaches echoed all over the world. According to Gemalto Breach Level Index, 944 data breaches were reported, which led to a staggering 3.3 billion data records being compromised worldwide in the first half of 2018. One can only imagine how many went unreported or what was the total cost of all data breaches.

    Data Breaches Around the World


    Gemalto’s Statistics © 2018 | @gemalto


    Just some examples:
    Unique Identification Authority of India / Aadhar (India’s government ID database) had 1.1 billion records affected – a massive breach that allowed access to Private Information of India residents, including their names, 12-digit ID numbers, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and information on connected services, such as bank accounts.


    Aadhar had 1.1 billion records affected |


    Marriott Starwood Hotels had 500 million records affected, including: guest information, phone numbers, email addresses, passport numbers, reservation dates and credit card numbers!


    Marriott Starwood Hotels had 500 million records affected | @pixabay


    Exactis had 340 million records affected – this incident exposed affected consumers’ email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers and a host of other personal information, in some cases including extremely sensitive details like the names and genders of their children.

    And the list goes on!

    What is the real cost of a data breach?

    If anyone wonders what could be the possible cost or financial damage of a data breach let me illustrate:

    The 2017 Cost of Data Breach Study (commissioned by IBM Security) expresses that a total of 419 companies have been attacked in the previous year. The result was that the average cost of an incident, which results in a data-leak, costs around 3.6 million US dollars.


    Malicious or criminal attacks cause the most data breaches | @pixabay


    However if this doesn’t show extremes, take Uber’s case: In 2016 hackers gained access to around 57 million user accounts + 600.000 drivers accounts (including their drivers’ licenses). Instead of being transparent, Uber paid the hackers 100.000 dollars in exchange of deleting the stolen data after which Uber acted as if nothing had happened. Big mistake. A year later the truth surfaced and the backlash was enormous, which led to the firing of their CSO and contributed to the company’s valuation to drop from 68 billion to 48 billion dollars. Talk about a perfect example of how not to handle a data breach!


    Gemalto’s Statistics © 2018 | @gemalto


    Speaking of that, in Europe, the GDPR requires the disclosure of data breaches and any cover-up could result in massive fines in addition to the loss of public trust.

    Best practices to prevent a data breach

    A few best practices to avoid a data-breach include the following:

    1. Have a plan: This means having a clear understanding what kind of data you have, where it is stored, developing procedures, following them and keeping these procedures updated.

    2. Layered security: Sooner or later any organisation can become a victim of an attack. What helps to contain the attack and can prevent it from turning into a data-breach is having a comprehensive layered security – such as encryption of sensitive data, patching and updating software, enforcing security policies and access roles, solid credentials, multi-factor authentication, use of comprehensive security fabric – modern firewalls (with IPS, AV, DLP), endpoint protection, logging, monitoring, etc.


    Investing in a Security Awareness Program is essential to educate employees | @venveo


    3. Invest in employee training and development. Educate employees on best security practices and ways to avoid socially engineered attacks. Some of the most popular IP vendors offer a diverse portfolio of security-related training.


    View our top rated Security Training Courses


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