
Insoft Services is een van de weinige aanbieders van opleidingen in EMEAR tot een volledige reeks van Cisco-certificering en gespecialiseerde technische opleiding aan te bieden.

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Ervaar een blended learning-aanpak die het beste van door een instructeur geleide training en e-learning in eigen tempo combineert om u te helpen zich voor te bereiden op uw certificeringsexamen.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLCs) zijn prepaid trainingsvouchers die rechtstreeks bij Cisco worden ingewisseld en die het plannen van uw succes eenvoudiger maken bij de aankoop van Cisco-producten en -services.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Het Cisco Continuing Education Program biedt alle actieve certificeringshouders flexibele opties om opnieuw te certificeren door een verscheidenheid aan in aanmerking komende trainingsitems te voltooien.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Gecertificeerde medewerkers zijn GEWAARDEERDE activa. Verken de officiële Digital Learning Library van Cisco om uzelf te informeren via opgenomen sessies.

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Cisco Business Enablement

Het Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program richt zich op het aanscherpen van de zakelijke vaardigheden van Cisco Channel Partners en klanten.

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Cisco trainingscatalogus

Het Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program richt zich op het aanscherpen van de zakelijke vaardigheden van Cisco Channel Partners en klanten.

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Het Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -programma is een training- en certificeringsprogramma op acht niveaus om ingenieurs van hun netwerkbeveiliging te leren voor Fortinet FW-vaardigheden en -ervaring.

Technische trainingen


Insoft is erkend als Fortinet Authorized Training Center op geselecteerde locaties in EMEA.

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Fortinet trainingscatalogus

Bekijk de volledige Fortinet trainingscatalogus. Het programma omvat een breed scala aan cursussen in eigen tempo en onder leiding van een instructeur.

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ATC Status

Bekijk onze ATC-status in geselecteerde landen in Europa.

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Fortinet Professionele Services

Wereldwijd erkend team van gecertificeerde experts helpt u een soepelere overgang te maken met onze vooraf gedefinieerde consultancy-, installatie- en migratiepakketten voor een breed scala aan Fortinet-producten.

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Insoft Services biedt Microsoft-trainingen in EMEAR. We bieden technische trainingen en certificeringscursussen van Microsoft aan die worden geleid door instructeurs van wereldklasse.

Technische cursussen


Find all the Extreme Networks online and instructor led class room based calendar here.

Technische cursussen


We provide comprehensive curriculum of technical competency skills on the certification accomplishment.

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Extreme trainingscatalogus

Leer uitzonderlijke kennis en vaardigheden van Extreme Networks

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ATP accreditatie

Als geautoriseerde trainingspartner (ATP) zorgt Insoft Services ervoor dat u de hoogste onderwijsnormen krijgt die beschikbaar zijn.

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Services Oplossingen

Wij bieden innovatieve en geavanceerde ondersteuning bij het ontwerpen, implementeren en optimaliseren van IT-oplossingen.Ons klantenbestand omvat enkele van de grootste Telco's ter wereld.


Wereldwijd erkend team van gecertificeerde experts helpt u een soepelere overgang te maken met onze vooraf gedefinieerde consultancy-, installatie- en migratiepakketten voor een breed scala aan Fortinet-producten.

Over ons

Insoft biedt geautoriseerde trainings- en consultancydiensten voor geselecteerde IP-leveranciers. Ontdek hoe we een revolutie teweegbrengen in de industrie.

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  • +31 71 799 6230
  • Forcepoint Email Security Administrator

    3 Dagen
    (Online and onsite)
    Price Upon Request

    In this three-day course, you will learn the features, components, and key integrations that enable Forcepoint Email Security functionality: how to administer policies, handle incidents, and upgrade, manage and assess the health of the Forcepoint Email Security system. You will develop skills in creating email policies, configuring email encryption, incident management, reporting, and system architecture and maintenance.

    • Describe the key capabilities of Forcepoint Email Security.
    • Understand the required product hardware and add-on components.
    • Understand multiple deployment scenarios.
    • Perform initial setup functions of Email Security.
    • Define connection level controls and secure message controls.
    • Configure user account authentication activities.
    • Create antispam email policies to control inbound email traffic.
    • Configure traffic management with various block/permit lists and manage message quarantines.
    • Demonstrate how to configure email DLP policies, rules, and actions.
    • Configure and customize PEM portal.
    • Activate email and transport layer encryption methods.
    • Schedule, run, and interpret reports and configure message logs.
    • Describe how to perform appliance system upgrades and disaster recovery procedures.

    Module 1: Features & Components
    1. Forcepoint solution overview

    • Forcepoint solution introduction
    • Forcepoint Email Security key features and new features

    2. Understanding the deployment solution

    • Communicate the Email Security key features.
    • Articulate Email Security key benefits and differentiators from other email security products.
    • Describe the Email Security Hardware Platform and Virtualization options.
    • Identify the appropriate installation method and sizing requirements to follow.
    • Describe the components of the Email Security and its supported platforms.
    • Administer the Appliance management tools.

    3. Understanding the Product Deployment

    • Describe a high-level overview of email delivery with the security appliance.
    • Plan for appliance and email server network integration.
    • Configure physical and/or virtual appliance settings and plan for network host name and routing.
    • Review and Configure Appliance Internal Daemons.
    • Identify and Configure Communication Points With External Services.
    • Review Planned Hardware Resources and User Loads.

    4. Getting started with Forcepoint Email Security

    • Describe the Fundamental Email Security Concepts and System Usage Models.
    • Setup the Email Security System and Review First Boot procedures.
    • Customize the Forcepoint Manager Console and Integrate the Email Module.
    • Complete Initial V-Series Appliance Configuration and Install Manager Console.

    5. Setting up users and defining email routing

    • Configure User Directories and Customized User Groups.
    • Describe Domain Group Integration with Active Directory server.
    • Define User Directories for Authentication within Domain.
    • Define a User Directory filter for specific users and groups.
    • Direct Outbound Emails To Email Security via Smart Host.
    • Verify Outbound Email delivery to Remote Recipients.

    Module 2: Traffic & Policies
    6. Managing Traffic – Antispam Related Configurations

    • Explain the Pre-Filtering Concept and Bulk Email Elimination Tools.
    • Describe the Message Processing Flow for an SMTP system.
    • Create a Global IP Block List and edit the Trusted Host List.
    • Configure usage model for Real-Time Black List and Reputation Service checks.
    • Integrate Reverse DNS Lookup and Sender Policy Framework checks.
    • Verify Recipient Validation and Implement Directory Harvest Attack Prevention.
    • Determine whether SMTP Authentication is a suitable resource for your organization.
    • Compare trusted IP group and Allow Access List.

    7. Managing Traffic – Advanced Configurations

    • Identify supported SMTP Port usage for appliance and hybrid modes.
    • Configure IP Address Group for Trusted and Allowed systems.
    • Enable SMTP VRFY command on the test system.
    • Explain how the System Administrator manages the Message Quarantine.
    • Describe the differences in permissions between Trusted IP and Allow Access List.
    • Enable and Monitor the Appliance Quarantine system.
    • Enable the Archive queue and move it to a remote SAMBA share.

    8. Configuring Email Security Policies

    • Understand how Email Policy Flow, Types, and Conditions affect message flow.
    • Describe the Policies combine Rules, Filters and Actions in the Email Security appliance.
    • Configure default Action Types and Options.
    • Configure the Integration and Merging of Message Action Options.
    • Integrate Data Loss Protection (DLP) Tools with Email Security appliance.
    • Configure the Global IP and Global Address Permit Lists.
    • Verify policy behavior with test message generation tool.
    • Configure Email Security Antivirus and Antispam policy and verify detection.
    • Configure Email Data Loss Protection (DLP) action and policy rules.
    • Confirm Email DLP functionality with test message capture and log reviews.

    Module 3: PEM & Advanced Configurations & Maintenance

    9. Personal Email Manager (PEM) operations

    • Understand Personal Email Manager (PEM) architecture and use cases.
    • Configure the PEM portal and complete PEM configurations.
    • Describe Admin vs end user PEM and Quarantine activities.
    • Customize PEM Notification message and schedule.
    • Differentiate between Personal and Global address block/permit lists.
    • Perform Advanced PEM Configuration for key user accounts.
    • Manage Multiple Mailboxes within PEM portal.

    10. Traffic shaping and threat protection

    • Configure the Email Sandbox Module and test its performance on test messages.
    • Analyze how Secure Message Delivery and Transport Layer Security increase message security.
    • Identify Traffic Shaping parameters and customize URL Sandbox solutions.
    • Configure Threat Protection Cloud.
    • Five parameters of traffic shaping, and how they function.

    11. Transfer Layer Security (TLS)

    • Configure Secure Message Delivery for Email and DLP modules.
    • Verify Secure Message Delivery via Secure Portal message pickup.
    • Describe the Secure Message Delivery End User Experience for an external recipient.
    • Enforced/Mandatory TLS vs opportunistic TLS.
    • Enable enforced TLS for incoming/outgoing connections.
    • Enforced TLS security level and encryption strength.
    • Describe the TLS certification process.
    • Enable mandatory TLS and opportunistic TLS.

    12. Email Security Reporting and Maintenance

    • Describe the overall requirements for Log Database Rollover and Maintenance.
    • Identify how Dashboard tools, Health Alerts, and Logs indicate appliance performance.
    • Activate and customize the Email Security Real-Time Monitor.
    • Manage the Presentation Reports and the Reporting Engine tools.
    • Explore Log Server Architecture and Database Partition Rollover and Deployment
    • System administrators, network security administrators, IT staff
    • Sales engineers, consultants, implementation specialists
    • Forcepoint channel partners
    • General understanding of system administration and internet services
    • Basic knowledge of networking and computer security concepts
    • A computer that meets the requirements noted at the end of this document

    In this three-day course, you will learn the features, components, and key integrations that enable Forcepoint Email Security functionality: how to administer policies, handle incidents, and upgrade, manage and assess the health of the Forcepoint Email Security system. You will develop skills in creating email policies, configuring email encryption, incident management, reporting, and system architecture and maintenance.

    • Describe the key capabilities of Forcepoint Email Security.
    • Understand the required product hardware and add-on components.
    • Understand multiple deployment scenarios.
    • Perform initial setup functions of Email Security.
    • Define connection level controls and secure message controls.
    • Configure user account authentication activities.
    • Create antispam email policies to control inbound email traffic.
    • Configure traffic management with various block/permit lists and manage message quarantines.
    • Demonstrate how to configure email DLP policies, rules, and actions.
    • Configure and customize PEM portal.
    • Activate email and transport layer encryption methods.
    • Schedule, run, and interpret reports and configure message logs.
    • Describe how to perform appliance system upgrades and disaster recovery procedures.

    Module 1: Features & Components
    1. Forcepoint solution overview

    • Forcepoint solution introduction
    • Forcepoint Email Security key features and new features

    2. Understanding the deployment solution

    • Communicate the Email Security key features.
    • Articulate Email Security key benefits and differentiators from other email security products.
    • Describe the Email Security Hardware Platform and Virtualization options.
    • Identify the appropriate installation method and sizing requirements to follow.
    • Describe the components of the Email Security and its supported platforms.
    • Administer the Appliance management tools.

    3. Understanding the Product Deployment

    • Describe a high-level overview of email delivery with the security appliance.
    • Plan for appliance and email server network integration.
    • Configure physical and/or virtual appliance settings and plan for network host name and routing.
    • Review and Configure Appliance Internal Daemons.
    • Identify and Configure Communication Points With External Services.
    • Review Planned Hardware Resources and User Loads.

    4. Getting started with Forcepoint Email Security

    • Describe the Fundamental Email Security Concepts and System Usage Models.
    • Setup the Email Security System and Review First Boot procedures.
    • Customize the Forcepoint Manager Console and Integrate the Email Module.
    • Complete Initial V-Series Appliance Configuration and Install Manager Console.

    5. Setting up users and defining email routing

    • Configure User Directories and Customized User Groups.
    • Describe Domain Group Integration with Active Directory server.
    • Define User Directories for Authentication within Domain.
    • Define a User Directory filter for specific users and groups.
    • Direct Outbound Emails To Email Security via Smart Host.
    • Verify Outbound Email delivery to Remote Recipients.

    Module 2: Traffic & Policies
    6. Managing Traffic – Antispam Related Configurations

    • Explain the Pre-Filtering Concept and Bulk Email Elimination Tools.
    • Describe the Message Processing Flow for an SMTP system.
    • Create a Global IP Block List and edit the Trusted Host List.
    • Configure usage model for Real-Time Black List and Reputation Service checks.
    • Integrate Reverse DNS Lookup and Sender Policy Framework checks.
    • Verify Recipient Validation and Implement Directory Harvest Attack Prevention.
    • Determine whether SMTP Authentication is a suitable resource for your organization.
    • Compare trusted IP group and Allow Access List.

    7. Managing Traffic – Advanced Configurations

    • Identify supported SMTP Port usage for appliance and hybrid modes.
    • Configure IP Address Group for Trusted and Allowed systems.
    • Enable SMTP VRFY command on the test system.
    • Explain how the System Administrator manages the Message Quarantine.
    • Describe the differences in permissions between Trusted IP and Allow Access List.
    • Enable and Monitor the Appliance Quarantine system.
    • Enable the Archive queue and move it to a remote SAMBA share.

    8. Configuring Email Security Policies

    • Understand how Email Policy Flow, Types, and Conditions affect message flow.
    • Describe the Policies combine Rules, Filters and Actions in the Email Security appliance.
    • Configure default Action Types and Options.
    • Configure the Integration and Merging of Message Action Options.
    • Integrate Data Loss Protection (DLP) Tools with Email Security appliance.
    • Configure the Global IP and Global Address Permit Lists.
    • Verify policy behavior with test message generation tool.
    • Configure Email Security Antivirus and Antispam policy and verify detection.
    • Configure Email Data Loss Protection (DLP) action and policy rules.
    • Confirm Email DLP functionality with test message capture and log reviews.

    Module 3: PEM & Advanced Configurations & Maintenance

    9. Personal Email Manager (PEM) operations

    • Understand Personal Email Manager (PEM) architecture and use cases.
    • Configure the PEM portal and complete PEM configurations.
    • Describe Admin vs end user PEM and Quarantine activities.
    • Customize PEM Notification message and schedule.
    • Differentiate between Personal and Global address block/permit lists.
    • Perform Advanced PEM Configuration for key user accounts.
    • Manage Multiple Mailboxes within PEM portal.

    10. Traffic shaping and threat protection

    • Configure the Email Sandbox Module and test its performance on test messages.
    • Analyze how Secure Message Delivery and Transport Layer Security increase message security.
    • Identify Traffic Shaping parameters and customize URL Sandbox solutions.
    • Configure Threat Protection Cloud.
    • Five parameters of traffic shaping, and how they function.

    11. Transfer Layer Security (TLS)

    • Configure Secure Message Delivery for Email and DLP modules.
    • Verify Secure Message Delivery via Secure Portal message pickup.
    • Describe the Secure Message Delivery End User Experience for an external recipient.
    • Enforced/Mandatory TLS vs opportunistic TLS.
    • Enable enforced TLS for incoming/outgoing connections.
    • Enforced TLS security level and encryption strength.
    • Describe the TLS certification process.
    • Enable mandatory TLS and opportunistic TLS.

    12. Email Security Reporting and Maintenance

    • Describe the overall requirements for Log Database Rollover and Maintenance.
    • Identify how Dashboard tools, Health Alerts, and Logs indicate appliance performance.
    • Activate and customize the Email Security Real-Time Monitor.
    • Manage the Presentation Reports and the Reporting Engine tools.
    • Explore Log Server Architecture and Database Partition Rollover and Deployment
    • System administrators, network security administrators, IT staff
    • Sales engineers, consultants, implementation specialists
    • Forcepoint channel partners
    • General understanding of system administration and internet services
    • Basic knowledge of networking and computer security concepts
    • A computer that meets the requirements noted at the end of this document
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