Cisco utbildning

Insoft Services är en av få utbildningsleverantörer inom EMEAR som erbjuder hela utbudet av Cisco-certifiering och specialiserad teknikutbildning.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLC) är förbetalda utbildningskuponger som löses in direkt med Cisco och som gör det enklare att planera för din framgång när du köper Ciscos produkter och tjänster.

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Cisco Fortbildning

Ciscos fortbildningsprogram erbjuder alla aktiva certifikatinnehavare flexibla alternativ för att omcertifiera genom att slutföra en mängd olika kvalificerade utbildningsartiklar.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Certifierade medarbetare är VÄRDERADE tillgångar. Utforska Ciscos officiella digitala utbildningsbibliotek för att utbilda dig själv genom inspelade sessioner.

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Partner för affärsaktivering

Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program fokuserar på att vässa affärskunskaperna hos Cisco Channel Partners och kunder.

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Cisco Kurskatalog

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Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -programmet är ett utbildnings- och certifieringsprogram på åtta nivåer för att lära ingenjörer om deras nätverkssäkerhet för Fortinet FW-färdigheter och erfarenheter.

Tekniska utbildningar

Tekniska utbildningar

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Fortinet Kurskatalog

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Fortinet Professionella tjänster

Globalt erkända team av certifierade experter hjälper dig att göra en smidigare övergång med våra fördefinierade konsult-, installations- och migreringspaket för ett brett utbud av Fortinet-produkter.

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Insoft Services tillhandahåller Microsoft-utbildning i EMEAR. Vi erbjuder Microsofts tekniska utbildnings- och certifieringskurser som leds av instruktörer i världsklass.

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Hier finden Sie alle Extreme Networks online und den von Lehrern geleiteten Kalender für den Klassenraum.

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Globalt erkända team av certifierade experter hjälper dig att göra en smidigare övergång med våra fördefinierade konsult-, installations- och migreringspaket för ett brett utbud av Fortinet-produkter.

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  • +46 8 502 431 88
  • JAUT - Junos Automation

    5 Dagar
    (Online och på plats)
    Pris på begäran

    This five-day course provides students with knowledge of how to automate Junos using DevOps automation tools, protocols, and technologies. Students receive hands-on experience with tools and languages relevant to automating the Junos OS platform in a DevOps environment. The course includes an introduction to Jinja2 templates and a detailed explanation of how Ansible, Salt, and JSNAPy automation tools are used with the Junos operating system (OS).


    The course introduces students to Junos commit, operation (op), event, and SNMP on-box scripts. Two languages for developing these scripts are discussed: SLAX and Python. The course also explains YANG, OpenConfig, Juniper Extension Toolkit (JET), and related APIs. Finally, the course discusses the use of Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI). Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in automating Junos OS and device operations. This course uses Junos OS Release 21.3R1, Ansible 2.11, Salt 3004, and JSNAPy 1.3.6.


    Associated Certification:

    Automation and DevOps, Associate (JNCIA-DevOps)

    • Describe Junos automation concepts.
    • Use Jinja2 for Junos automation.
    • Describe Ansible automation.
    • Use Ansible to automate Junos devices.
    • Describe the basics of SLAX language.
    • Use SLAX to automate Junos devices.
    • Use SLAX to develop Junos op scripts.
    • Use Python to develop Junos op scripts.
    • Use SLAX to develop Junos commit scripts.
    • Use Python to develop Junos commit scripts.
    • Describe Junos event policies.
    • Create Junos event scripts.
    • Develop Junos SNMP scripts.
    • Describe Salt for Junos support.
    • Use Salt software to automate Junos devices.
    • Perform network testing with JSNAPy.
    • Describe the YANG language.
    • Create custom Junos YANG modules.
    • Use OpenConfig with Junos OS.
    • Describe JET functionality.
    • Use JET APIs to automate Junos.
    • Describe the Junos Telemetry Interface.

    DAY 1

    1. Course Introduction


    2. Junos Automation Fundamentals

    • Describe the benefits of network automation
    • Explain the basic principles of DevOps and NRE
    • Describe different approaches and tools used for Junos automation


    3. Jinja2

    • Discuss Junos Automation templates
    • Create Jinja2 templates


    Lab 1: Creating Jinja2 Templates


    4. Ansible Introduction

    • Prepare Ansible environment for network device management
    • Use Ansible to retrieve information from Junos devices
    • Use Ansible to configure Junos devices


    Lab 2: User Interface Options


    5. Ansible for Junos

    • Configure Ansible to securely connect to Junos devices
    • Use advanced Ansible playbook functionality
    • Create Ansible playbooks that use variables and templates
    • Manage Junos device configurations using Jinja2 templates and Ansible


    Lab 3: Using Ansible for Junos Configuration Management


    DAY 2


    6. Basics of SLAX

    • Describe SLAX relation to XML, XPath, and Junos XML API
    • Create simple SLAX scripts
    • Describe SLAX templates, variables, and flow control statements


    7. Automating Junos with SLAX

    • Describe Junos op, commit, event, and SNMP scripts
    • Use the Junos function library
    • Describe the difference between available SLAX versions


    8. Junos Op Scripts Using SLAX

    • Create and execute SLAX op scripts
    • Use arguments with SLAX op scripts
    • Execute Junos RPCs from SLAX op scripts
    • Configure Junos devices with SLAX op scripts


    Lab 4: Junos Op Scripts Using SLAX


    9. Junos Op Scripts Using Python

    • Create and execute Python op scripts
    • Use arguments with Python op scripts
    • Execute Junos RPCs from Python op scripts
    • Configure Junos devices with Python op scripts


    Lab 5: Junos Op Scripts Using Python


    10. Junos Commit Scripts Using SLAX

    • Describe basic SLAX commit script operation
    • Develop SLAX commit scripts that perform transient and persistent changes
    • Configure and enable SLAX commit scripts


    Lab 6: Junos Commit Scripts Using SLAX


    DAY 3

    11 Junos Commit Scripts Using Python

    • Describe how Python commit scripts can perform different actions
    • Develop Python commit scripts that perform configuration changes
    • Configure and enable Python commit scripts


    Lab 7: Junos Commit Scripts Using Python


    12. Junos Event Policies

    • Identify Junos OS events
    • Create Junos OS event policies


    13. Junos Event Scripts

    • Create Junos event scripts


    Lab 8: Junos Event Policies and Event Scripts


    14. Junos SNMP Scripts

    • Describe how Junos OS SNMP scripts are used
    • Create and configure Junos OS SNMP scripts


    Lab 9: Junos SNMP Scripts


    DAY 4

    15. Salt Introduction

    • Describe Salt architecture and components
    • Perform basic Junos device management tasks with Salt


    16. Automating Junos with Salt

    • Configure Junos devices with Salt
    • Validate network state using Salt
    • Create an event-driven infrastructure with Salt


    Lab 10: Automating Junos with Salt


    17. JSNAPy

    • Describe how JSNAPy can help automate Junos OS
    • Install and configure JSNAPy
    • Use JSNAPy to create snapshots and perform tests
    • Use JSNAPy with other automation tools


    Lab 11: JSNAPy


    18. YANG

    • List the main YANG features
    • Describe the syntax of YANG
    • Identify YANG use cases with Junos OS


    19. Custom YANG Modules

    • Describe custom configuration statements and translation scripts
    • Describe custom RPCs and action scripts


    DAY 5

    20. OpenConfig

    • Describe the advantages of OpenConfig
    • Modify the Junos OS configuration using OpenConfig
    • Describe using OpenConfig with the Junos Telemetry Interface


    Lab 12: Implementing YANG and OpenConfig


    21. Introduction to Juniper Extension Toolkit

    • List the main JET components and use cases
    • Describe gRPC and JET IDL Files
    • Describe JET Service and Notification APIs


    22. Automating Junos OS with JET APIs

    • Develop JET applications using Service API
    • Develop JET applications using Notification API


    Lab 13: Using JET


    23. Junos Telemetry

    • Describe JTI protocols and message formats
    • Provision native sensors for JTI
    • Provision OpenConfig and gRPC sensors for JTI


    Lab 14: Using Junos Telemetry

    Benefits individuals responsible for configuring and monitoring devices running the Junos OS

    • Intermediate-level networking knowledge
    • An understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and the TCP/IP protocol suite
    • Complete the Introduction to Junos Platform Automation and DevOps (IJAUT) course

    This five-day course provides students with knowledge of how to automate Junos using DevOps automation tools, protocols, and technologies. Students receive hands-on experience with tools and languages relevant to automating the Junos OS platform in a DevOps environment. The course includes an introduction to Jinja2 templates and a detailed explanation of how Ansible, Salt, and JSNAPy automation tools are used with the Junos operating system (OS).


    The course introduces students to Junos commit, operation (op), event, and SNMP on-box scripts. Two languages for developing these scripts are discussed: SLAX and Python. The course also explains YANG, OpenConfig, Juniper Extension Toolkit (JET), and related APIs. Finally, the course discusses the use of Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI). Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in automating Junos OS and device operations. This course uses Junos OS Release 21.3R1, Ansible 2.11, Salt 3004, and JSNAPy 1.3.6.


    Associated Certification:

    Automation and DevOps, Associate (JNCIA-DevOps)

    • Describe Junos automation concepts.
    • Use Jinja2 for Junos automation.
    • Describe Ansible automation.
    • Use Ansible to automate Junos devices.
    • Describe the basics of SLAX language.
    • Use SLAX to automate Junos devices.
    • Use SLAX to develop Junos op scripts.
    • Use Python to develop Junos op scripts.
    • Use SLAX to develop Junos commit scripts.
    • Use Python to develop Junos commit scripts.
    • Describe Junos event policies.
    • Create Junos event scripts.
    • Develop Junos SNMP scripts.
    • Describe Salt for Junos support.
    • Use Salt software to automate Junos devices.
    • Perform network testing with JSNAPy.
    • Describe the YANG language.
    • Create custom Junos YANG modules.
    • Use OpenConfig with Junos OS.
    • Describe JET functionality.
    • Use JET APIs to automate Junos.
    • Describe the Junos Telemetry Interface.

    DAY 1

    1. Course Introduction


    2. Junos Automation Fundamentals

    • Describe the benefits of network automation
    • Explain the basic principles of DevOps and NRE
    • Describe different approaches and tools used for Junos automation


    3. Jinja2

    • Discuss Junos Automation templates
    • Create Jinja2 templates


    Lab 1: Creating Jinja2 Templates


    4. Ansible Introduction

    • Prepare Ansible environment for network device management
    • Use Ansible to retrieve information from Junos devices
    • Use Ansible to configure Junos devices


    Lab 2: User Interface Options


    5. Ansible for Junos

    • Configure Ansible to securely connect to Junos devices
    • Use advanced Ansible playbook functionality
    • Create Ansible playbooks that use variables and templates
    • Manage Junos device configurations using Jinja2 templates and Ansible


    Lab 3: Using Ansible for Junos Configuration Management


    DAY 2


    6. Basics of SLAX

    • Describe SLAX relation to XML, XPath, and Junos XML API
    • Create simple SLAX scripts
    • Describe SLAX templates, variables, and flow control statements


    7. Automating Junos with SLAX

    • Describe Junos op, commit, event, and SNMP scripts
    • Use the Junos function library
    • Describe the difference between available SLAX versions


    8. Junos Op Scripts Using SLAX

    • Create and execute SLAX op scripts
    • Use arguments with SLAX op scripts
    • Execute Junos RPCs from SLAX op scripts
    • Configure Junos devices with SLAX op scripts


    Lab 4: Junos Op Scripts Using SLAX


    9. Junos Op Scripts Using Python

    • Create and execute Python op scripts
    • Use arguments with Python op scripts
    • Execute Junos RPCs from Python op scripts
    • Configure Junos devices with Python op scripts


    Lab 5: Junos Op Scripts Using Python


    10. Junos Commit Scripts Using SLAX

    • Describe basic SLAX commit script operation
    • Develop SLAX commit scripts that perform transient and persistent changes
    • Configure and enable SLAX commit scripts


    Lab 6: Junos Commit Scripts Using SLAX


    DAY 3

    11 Junos Commit Scripts Using Python

    • Describe how Python commit scripts can perform different actions
    • Develop Python commit scripts that perform configuration changes
    • Configure and enable Python commit scripts


    Lab 7: Junos Commit Scripts Using Python


    12. Junos Event Policies

    • Identify Junos OS events
    • Create Junos OS event policies


    13. Junos Event Scripts

    • Create Junos event scripts


    Lab 8: Junos Event Policies and Event Scripts


    14. Junos SNMP Scripts

    • Describe how Junos OS SNMP scripts are used
    • Create and configure Junos OS SNMP scripts


    Lab 9: Junos SNMP Scripts


    DAY 4

    15. Salt Introduction

    • Describe Salt architecture and components
    • Perform basic Junos device management tasks with Salt


    16. Automating Junos with Salt

    • Configure Junos devices with Salt
    • Validate network state using Salt
    • Create an event-driven infrastructure with Salt


    Lab 10: Automating Junos with Salt


    17. JSNAPy

    • Describe how JSNAPy can help automate Junos OS
    • Install and configure JSNAPy
    • Use JSNAPy to create snapshots and perform tests
    • Use JSNAPy with other automation tools


    Lab 11: JSNAPy


    18. YANG

    • List the main YANG features
    • Describe the syntax of YANG
    • Identify YANG use cases with Junos OS


    19. Custom YANG Modules

    • Describe custom configuration statements and translation scripts
    • Describe custom RPCs and action scripts


    DAY 5

    20. OpenConfig

    • Describe the advantages of OpenConfig
    • Modify the Junos OS configuration using OpenConfig
    • Describe using OpenConfig with the Junos Telemetry Interface


    Lab 12: Implementing YANG and OpenConfig


    21. Introduction to Juniper Extension Toolkit

    • List the main JET components and use cases
    • Describe gRPC and JET IDL Files
    • Describe JET Service and Notification APIs


    22. Automating Junos OS with JET APIs

    • Develop JET applications using Service API
    • Develop JET applications using Notification API


    Lab 13: Using JET


    23. Junos Telemetry

    • Describe JTI protocols and message formats
    • Provision native sensors for JTI
    • Provision OpenConfig and gRPC sensors for JTI


    Lab 14: Using Junos Telemetry

    Benefits individuals responsible for configuring and monitoring devices running the Junos OS

    • Intermediate-level networking knowledge
    • An understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and the TCP/IP protocol suite
    • Complete the Introduction to Junos Platform Automation and DevOps (IJAUT) course
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