
Insoft Services ist einer der wenigen Schulungsanbieter in EMEAR, der ein umfassendes Angebot an Cisco-Zertifizierungen und spezialisierten Technologieschulungen anbietet.

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Cisco Zertifizierungen

Erleben Sie einen Blended-Learning-Ansatz, der das Beste aus von Lehrern geleiteten Schulungen und E-Learning zum Selbststudium kombiniert, um sich auf Ihre Zertifizierungsprüfung vorzubereiten.

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Cisco Learning Credits

Cisco Learning Credits (CLCs) sind Prepaid-Schulungsgutscheine, die direkt bei Cisco eingelöst werden und die Planung für Ihren Erfolg beim Kauf von Cisco-Produkten und -Services erleichtern.

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Cisco Continuing Education

Das Cisco Continuing Education Program bietet allen aktiven Zertifizierungsinhabern flexible Optionen zur Rezertifizierung, indem sie eine Vielzahl von in Frage kommenden Schulungselementen absolvieren.

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Cisco Digital Learning

Zertifizierte Mitarbeiter sind GESCHÄTZTE Vermögenswerte. Erkunden Sie die offizielle Digital Learning Library von Cisco, um sich durch aufgezeichnete Sitzungen weiterzubilden.


Cisco Business Enablement

Das Cisco Business Enablement Partner Program konzentriert sich auf die Verbesserung der Geschäftsfähigkeiten von Cisco Channel Partnern und Kunden.

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Technische Zertifizierung

Das Fortinet Network Security Expert (NSE) -Programm ist ein achtstufiges Schulungs- und Zertifizierungsprogramm, um Ingenieuren ihre Netzwerksicherheit für Fortinet FW-Fähigkeiten und -Erfahrungen beizubringen.

Technische Kurse


Insoft ist als Fortinet Authorized Training Center an ausgewählten Standorten in EMEA anerkannt.

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ATC Status

Überprüfen Sie unseren ATC-Status in ausgewählten Ländern in Europa.

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Fortinet Service-Pakete

Insoft Services hat eine spezielle Lösung entwickelt, um den Prozess der Installation oder Migration zu Fortinet-Produkten zu rationalisieren und zu vereinfachen.

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Insoft Services bietet Microsoft-Schulungen in EMEAR an. Wir bieten technische Schulungen und Zertifizierungskurse von Microsoft an, die von erstklassigen Instruktoren geleitet werden.

Technische Kurse


Erfahren Sie außergewöhnliche Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten von Extreme Networks.

Technische Kurse

Technische Zertifizierung

Wir bieten einen umfassenden Lehrplan für technische Kompetenzen zur Zertifizierung an.

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Extreme Schulungskatalog

Hier finden Sie alle Extreme Networks online und den von Lehrern geleiteten Kalender für den Klassenraum.

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Lösungen & Dienstleistungen

Wir bieten innovative und fortschrittliche Unterstützung bei der Konzeption, Implementierung und Optimierung von IT-Lösungen. Unsere Kundenbasis umfasst einige der größten Telcos weltweit.


Ein weltweit anerkanntes Team von zertifizierten Experten unterstützt Sie bei einem reibungsloseren Übergang mit unseren vordefinierten Beratungs-, Installations- und Migrationspaketen für eine breite Palette von Fortinet-Produkten.

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Insoft bietet autorisierte Schulungs- und Beratungsdienstleistungen für ausgewählte IP-Anbieter. Erfahren Sie, wie wir die Branche revolutionieren.

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  • +49 6151 277 6496
  • Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with JavaScript

    3 Tage
    (Online Und Vor Ort)
    Preis auf Anfrage
    The purpose of this Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with JavaScript course is to cover all the new object-oriented features introduced in ECMAScript 2015 and show how to build large-scale web apps that promote scalability, maintainability, and reusability. It is ideal for development teams that are thinking of using JavaScript for full-stack web development so that they only need to worry about one language across the entire stack. JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. Born as a simple glue between the user and HTML, it has evolved over the years and has acquired an increasingly important role in modern software development. Today, its scope is no longer just the web browser. Now, it also resides on the server, desktop PCs, mobile devices, and even embedded devices. JavaScript has now become a language to create complex applications. Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with JavaScript course explains how to write robust and efficient code with JavaScript to create scalable and maintainable applications.  

    This course begins with a subtle refresher on objects. It teaches you how easy it is to define objects with the new ECMAScript classes. From there, we will fly you through some essential OOP principles, forming a base for you to get hands-on with encapsulation.

    You will get to work with the different methods of inheritance. From there, we will move on to some advanced patterns for object creation, and you will get a strong idea of how to use interesting patterns to present data to users and to bind data. You will manage dynamic typing using various data types and get familiar with duck typing and polymorphism.

    You will explore various presentations such as MVC and MVP, along with implementing data binding.

    By the end of this course, you will discover whether JavaScript is asynchronous and learn to write asynchronous code using callbacks and events.

    Lesson 1: Diving into Objects and OOP Principles

    • Creating and Managing Object Literals.
    • Defining Object Constructors
    • Using Object Prototypes
    • Using Classes
    • Beginning with Object-Oriented JavaScript
    • Checking Abstraction and Modeling Support
    • Analyzing OOP Principles Support in JavaScript

    Lesson 2: Working with Encapsulation and Information Hiding

    • Setting up Strategies for Encapsulation and Information Hiding
    • Using the Meta-Closure Approach
    • Using Property Descriptors
    • Implementing Information Hiding in ES6 Classes

    Lesson 3: Inheriting and Creating Mixins

    • Implementing Objects, Inheritance, and Prototypes
    • Using Class Inheritance
    • Controlling Inheritance
    • Implementing Multiple Inheritance
    • Creating and Using Mixins

    Lesson 4: Defining Contracts with Duck Typing

    • Managing Dynamic Typing
    • Defining Contracts and Interfaces
    • Implementing Duck Typing
    • Comparing Duck Typing and Polymorphism

    Lesson 5: Advanced Object Creation

    • Mastering Design Patterns, Object Creation, and Singletons
    • Implementing an Object Factory
    • Exploiting the Builder Pattern

    Lesson 6: Working with Data

    • Managing User Interfaces
    • Implementing Presentation Patterns
    • What is Data Binding?
    • Implementing Data Binding
    • Applying the Publish/Subscribe Pattern

    Lesson 7: Asynchronous Programming and Promises

    • Is JavaScript Asynchronous?
    • Writing Asynchronous Code
    • Introducing Promises

    Lesson 8: Organizing Code

    • Taking Control of the Global Scope
    • Creating Namespaces
    • Organizing Code with the Module Pattern
    • Loading the Module
    • Using the ECMAScript 2015 Modules

    This course is for existing developers who are new to OOP in JavaScript. They will be looking to build their understanding of modern web development, using the features from the latest changes to the ECMAScript specification.


    We specifically focus on object-oriented programming with JS in this course, so prior understanding of basic syntax is assumed.



    For successful completion of this course, students will require the computer systems with the following:

    • Processor: 1.8 GHz or higher Pentium 4 (or equivalent)
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Hard disk: 10 GB
    • Projector
    • Internet connection



    Most of the code provided in this course is not bound to a specific JavaScript runtime environment, so it could run in any JavaScript environment. For this course we will be using the following environment:

    • Chrome DevTools
    • Atom


    Installation and Setup

    The purpose of this Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with JavaScript course is to cover all the new object-oriented features introduced in ECMAScript 2015 and show how to build large-scale web apps that promote scalability, maintainability, and reusability. It is ideal for development teams that are thinking of using JavaScript for full-stack web development so that they only need to worry about one language across the entire stack. JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. Born as a simple glue between the user and HTML, it has evolved over the years and has acquired an increasingly important role in modern software development. Today, its scope is no longer just the web browser. Now, it also resides on the server, desktop PCs, mobile devices, and even embedded devices. JavaScript has now become a language to create complex applications. Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with JavaScript course explains how to write robust and efficient code with JavaScript to create scalable and maintainable applications.  

    This course begins with a subtle refresher on objects. It teaches you how easy it is to define objects with the new ECMAScript classes. From there, we will fly you through some essential OOP principles, forming a base for you to get hands-on with encapsulation.

    You will get to work with the different methods of inheritance. From there, we will move on to some advanced patterns for object creation, and you will get a strong idea of how to use interesting patterns to present data to users and to bind data. You will manage dynamic typing using various data types and get familiar with duck typing and polymorphism.

    You will explore various presentations such as MVC and MVP, along with implementing data binding.

    By the end of this course, you will discover whether JavaScript is asynchronous and learn to write asynchronous code using callbacks and events.

    Lesson 1: Diving into Objects and OOP Principles

    • Creating and Managing Object Literals.
    • Defining Object Constructors
    • Using Object Prototypes
    • Using Classes
    • Beginning with Object-Oriented JavaScript
    • Checking Abstraction and Modeling Support
    • Analyzing OOP Principles Support in JavaScript

    Lesson 2: Working with Encapsulation and Information Hiding

    • Setting up Strategies for Encapsulation and Information Hiding
    • Using the Meta-Closure Approach
    • Using Property Descriptors
    • Implementing Information Hiding in ES6 Classes

    Lesson 3: Inheriting and Creating Mixins

    • Implementing Objects, Inheritance, and Prototypes
    • Using Class Inheritance
    • Controlling Inheritance
    • Implementing Multiple Inheritance
    • Creating and Using Mixins

    Lesson 4: Defining Contracts with Duck Typing

    • Managing Dynamic Typing
    • Defining Contracts and Interfaces
    • Implementing Duck Typing
    • Comparing Duck Typing and Polymorphism

    Lesson 5: Advanced Object Creation

    • Mastering Design Patterns, Object Creation, and Singletons
    • Implementing an Object Factory
    • Exploiting the Builder Pattern

    Lesson 6: Working with Data

    • Managing User Interfaces
    • Implementing Presentation Patterns
    • What is Data Binding?
    • Implementing Data Binding
    • Applying the Publish/Subscribe Pattern

    Lesson 7: Asynchronous Programming and Promises

    • Is JavaScript Asynchronous?
    • Writing Asynchronous Code
    • Introducing Promises

    Lesson 8: Organizing Code

    • Taking Control of the Global Scope
    • Creating Namespaces
    • Organizing Code with the Module Pattern
    • Loading the Module
    • Using the ECMAScript 2015 Modules

    This course is for existing developers who are new to OOP in JavaScript. They will be looking to build their understanding of modern web development, using the features from the latest changes to the ECMAScript specification.


    We specifically focus on object-oriented programming with JS in this course, so prior understanding of basic syntax is assumed.



    For successful completion of this course, students will require the computer systems with the following:

    • Processor: 1.8 GHz or higher Pentium 4 (or equivalent)
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Hard disk: 10 GB
    • Projector
    • Internet connection



    Most of the code provided in this course is not bound to a specific JavaScript runtime environment, so it could run in any JavaScript environment. For this course we will be using the following environment:

    • Chrome DevTools
    • Atom


    Installation and Setup

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